Friday, January 19, 2007

More thoughts about Scandinavia

Back in operation again.

In both of the international business classes (day and night), we've touched on Finland and their relationship with Russia. Here's a map showing the disputed territories. I've been looking around a bit, and it seems that I was incorrect in saying that the biggest obstacles to the Russians were General Snow and General Ice. The spring thaw is no fun either, since what that gives you is mud and swamps. Not so cold, but actually more difficult to get around in (after all, if there's snow cover, skis make it easy to get around). If military matters are of interest to you, the person to look at is the Finnish military commander, Marshal Mannerheim.

On a more pleasant note, we also discussed the impact of low birth rates -- an older population and the resulting strains. One part of Europe where, oddly enough, this is not quite as severe a problem, is Scandinavia, a result that has been attributed to these countries' generous social welfare system. Your thoughts on the merits of the Scandinavian approach to supporting families?

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