Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A One-Time Offer

1 extra credit point (added to final grade) for the first five people to add a comment to any of these posts !!!!!! (ok, it needs to be a semi-meaningful comment....). If you're in more than one class, tell me which class you want the point for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Nina Jones-McCollins. I read the article about how employees of factories have been subjected to harsh working conditions. These employees were not allowed bathrooms breaks. The wages vs the work done was very low. Due to the low wages these employees were not able to afford healthcare coverage. Due to some courageous employees the possiblility of a union forming is highly likely to force the companies to be held accountable for their actions. I am a student in your mgmt 337 class. I am just posting the comment because I did not know exactly how to post the item. I will ask you in class if you got it or not.