Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Random thoughts about technolgy and Microsoft

Seems that the iPhone is now out; Apple and Motorola have developed a phone that will allow you to store and play 100 tunes.

Apple unveils iTunes phone

This I'd never have envisioned, but the entire point about major change is that it's something that we couldn't imagine in advance. Did any of us need a computer of our own before Bill Gates and Microsoft????

Speaking of Microsoft.......they filed another appeal today in the long-running battle between Microsoft and the EU over anti-trust issues. In this case, on of the major issues is whether or not Microsoft will have to open up its source code. We'll be talking bout this tonight in International; for the Principles folks, this is a good example of how any international involvement adds a huge amount of complexity to your external environment.

Microsoft Files Appeal Against EU Ruling

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